
Mozambique: tierra de oportunidades e inversión

Africa is experiencing great economic and population growth, and in fact, is thought to be the continent that will lead this growth over the next 25 years. Within Africa, I have allowed myself to choose Mozambique. This is because it is one of the countries with the greatest influx over recent years, mainly due to …


Aspectos legales para la expatriación a Chile.

In recent years Chile has become a favourite destination for Spanish companies. The consolidation of the growth of the Chilean economy and its special interest in environmental protection policies have attracted foreign investment, especially in renewable energy. This, coupled with the increasing internationalization of Spanish companies resulting from the global economic crisis, has led to …


¡Abrimos oficina en Navarra!

The north of Spain and the south of France are currently regions with a lot of movement in terms of international mobility and impatriation. Expat Advisors has been providing services in these areas for years, but over recent months the business became so important that we considered improving the service even more with an office in Pamplona. Our office can provide more …


Perú en crecimiento constante.

Several Latin American countries are among the major emerging countries since 2013 and Peru is one of the countries that stands out. Besides being one of the fastest growing countries in the region in 2013, it is also important to note that it has had 15 consecutive years of steady growth. According to the IMF, …


Recomendaciones especiales para mujeres expatriadas. Segunda Parte.

We continue with the special recommendations for expatriate women. In the first part we discussed the importance of recognising the cultural and social differences that may particularly affect women and keeping them in mind when making decisions and mentally preparing to come to the host country. The sexual harassment of women in the workplace is …


Recomendaciones especiales para mujeres expatriadas.

There is much discussion about the difficulties that expatriates may generally face on starting work in a new country and how the need to adapt may affect their performance in the job, with cultural differences creating the most problems. However, there is little discussion of how these differences can be particularly important for women. This …


El rol de RRHH para ayudar al éxito del expatriado en su nuevo puesto.

Thanks to globalization and internationalization of enterprises it is necessary that HR departments have a more strategic role and this is because, as Tung said in 1988, “the know-how, technology and capital cannot be used effectively and efficiently in the host country or transferred from the country of origin without using human energy.” The advantages …


Desayuno técnicas de planificación en materia de inmigración, Seguridad Social y fiscal de la expatriación. ¡Un éxito total!

As we had discussed beforehand, last Thursday March 27, we had breakfast about planning techniques on Immigration, Social Security and Tax Expatriation in Madrid. We have the presence of HR managers in charge of the expatriate management from multinational companies of several activities sectors such as engineering, construction, telecommunications, and transportation, among others. We started …